New method for assessing red blood cell deformability
Using image-based deep learning and dynamic shape classification techniques, researchers have developed a novel method of checking red blood cell deformability that is said to be less invasive. [ + ]
Towards the next generation of vision implants
An ultrasmall implant, with electrodes the size of a single neuron that can remain intact in the human body, holds promise for future vision implants for the blind. [ + ]
Novel adhesive is strong, smart and reusable
Researchers found a way to maximise the adhesion of the material by using shape-memory polymers, which can stick and detach easily when needed simply by heating them. [ + ]
One-two punch treatment knocks out acute myeloid leukaemia
Researchers paired venetoclax, a current standard-of-care anticancer drug for acute myeloid leukaemia, with a STING agonist, an emerging class of immunotherapy drug. [ + ]
Does China's leading place in the global medtech market reflect the reality?
To many healthcare buyers in the US, Europe, South-East Asia, Africa and South America, China remains an enigmatic and largely unexplored entity. [ + ]
Scientists unveil genomic 'tree of life' for flowering plants
The genomic tree sheds new light on the evolutionary history of flowering plants and their rise to ecological dominance on Earth. [ + ]
Researchers find the 'switch' that deactivates brown fat
Researchers have found a protein that is responsible for turning off brown fat activity, in a breakthrough which could help to address obesity and related health problems. [ + ]
New targets identified for a universal influenza B vaccine
Researchers have identified fragments from influenza B viruses that the immune system consistently recognise, offering promising targets for a universal influenza B vaccine. [ + ]
Smart nanoprobe lights up prostate cancer cells
Researchers have developed a smart nanoprobe designed to infiltrate prostate tumours and send back a signal using an optical imaging technique known as Raman spectroscopy. [ + ]
Melatonin helps to prevent obesity, studies suggest
In an experiment carried out in rats, chronic administration of melatonin prevented obesity to a greater extent than acute treatment and reduced visceral obesity by around 3%. [ + ]
Found: the most massive stellar black hole in the Milky Way
With a mass 33 times that of the Sun, and based a mere 1926 light-years away, Gaia BH3 is the second-closest known black hole to Earth. [ + ]
Personality influences the expression of our genes
An international research team has used artificial intelligence to show that our personalities alter the expression of our genes, and thus affect our health and wellbeing. [ + ]
DESI's 3D map more precisely measures the expanding universe
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) has created the largest 3D map of our cosmos ever constructed, with the most precise measurements to date. [ + ]
Pig hearts kept alive outside the body for 24 hours
A major hurdle for human heart transplantation is the limited storage time of the donor heart outside the body, which is currently only routinely possible for six hours. [ + ]
Smartphone compass used to measure glucose
Researchers have used an ordinary smartphone's built-in magnetometer, or compass, to measure concentrations of glucose — a key marker for diabetes. [ + ]