CSIRO to exhibit at BIO2006
CSIRO will join over 1500 of the world's premier life sciences companies in the exhibition hall of BIO2006 in Chicago from 10-12 April.
BIO2006 is host to over 16,000 life science professionals from around the world. The conference provides a venue to learn about the future, seek out new collaborators, exhibit innovations, license and acquire new technologies, look for places to invest, and ultimately reveal the enormous impact that biotechnology has on our lives.
The Australian Pavilion, co-ordinated by Austrade, will showcase over 50 of Australia's best biotechnology providers. In addition to bioscience companies there will be representation from most Australian State and Territory agencies and AusBiotech, the Industry Organisation.
The CSIRO stand will highlight its range of capabilities in biotechnology from human health to agricultural, environmental and industrial biotechnologies. It will show its strength is in bringing teams together from different scientific fields to find solutions to major problems facing Australia and the rest of the world.
CSIRO will have a range of scientists plus business development and commercialisation staff available for discussion on our stand.
Divisions and Flagships represented include:
- Plant Industry
- Molecular and Health Technologies
- Livestock Industries
- Mathematical and Information Sciences
- Food Futures Flagship
- Preventative Health Flagship
For more information visit BIO2006
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