How Genetic Technologies turned junk into gold
Genetic Technologies (ASX: GTG) is betting that a lot of companies want to use its technology. [ + ]
Hong Kong destined for best supporting role in biotech
Analysts and industry experts are widely predicting biotechnology and life sciences to be strong growth areas this year, but in comparison to other Asian markets, Hong Kong seems off the pace. [ + ]
A quantitative tool for comparative protein expression
Isotope Coded Affinity Tagging is a strategy for using MS and MS/MS data to concurrently identify and quantify comparative protein expression within complex mixtures
[ + ]Molecular opto-electronic switch
Using photosynthesis as their model, chemists at Washington University in St Louis, North Carolina State University, and the University of California, Riverside have tested molecular electronic switches that turn the flow of light energy on and off
[ + ]Raman microspectroscopy and imaging of pharmaceuticals
The application of Raman spectroscopy in the field of pharmaceuticals is showing immense potential. Previous progress has been hindered due to the high cost and poor user-friendliness of the old Raman technology
[ + ]Analytical determination of ions in water
Water analyses are carried out by many different laboratories for a whole variety of constituents for as many different reasons. Techniques that involve the direct determination of ions present in the water play key roles in these analyses
[ + ]DNA transcription is tuned to specific cells
Researchers have found a new example of how the machinery that controls the transcription of DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA) is tailored to specific cells or genes
[ + ]Bioinformatics Services
AGRF has incorporated two bioinformatics processing and analysis service options for its Contract Sequencing Service.
[ + ]More cameras, more pixels, more sensitivity, more choices...
Since the beginning, microscopists in their investigations and endeavours have been bound by the limitations of their instruments. These limitations are further complicated by the requirements of the specimens studied
[ + ]pH electrodes evolve into the silicon age
Silicon chip pH sensors overcome breakage, maintenance and storage problems. Since the early 1930s when the first pH meter was invented, the core technology for quantitative pH measurement has, until recently, remained fundamentally unchanged
[ + ]Infrared - Today's technology
Laboratory scientists have for many years used infrared (Infrared Spectrometers Near, Mid and Far) to quantitatively and qualitatively analyse solid, liquid and gaseous samples
[ + ]Antarctica's last forest
The microscopic remains of an Antarctic forest more than 30 million years old is providing important information about global climate operations.
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