Government medical research fund

Thursday, 07 July, 2005

The Commonwealth Government, through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), has announced this year's successful recipients of grants of a total more than A$100 million for leading medical research and clinical trials being conducted at universities and research centres.

The grants would cover a diverse research areas including leukaemia, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer, maternal health, arthritis and melanoma.

The funding was devided into investment in medical research of $80 million (Program Grant), funding for new equipment totalling $9 million (Standard Equipment Grant), almost $10 million to support existing clinical trials (Development Grant) and grants of $2.5 million for researchers to transform their work into commercial products (Enabling Grant).

More than 60 universities and research institutes have received funding for medical research, clinical trials and/or equipment upgrades including: the University of Sydney; University of NSW; University of Melbourne; Monash University; University of Adelaide; Queensland University of Technology; University of Newcastle; ANU; University of Tasmania; Curtin University of Technology; Flinders University; Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University; Queensland Institute of Medical Research; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre; Garvan Institute of Medical Research; Baker Heart Research Institute; St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research; Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research; Walter and Eliza Hall Institute; Woolcock Institute of Medical research; and the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society.

The University of Sydney was the largest receipent in the country with around one-fifth (A$22 million) being allocated to various research projects at the insititution.

On a per capita basis, Australia 's research output is twice the OECD average. This calendar year, the Government will invest nearly $500 million in health and medical research.

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