Michell S8000 -100 chilled mirror hygrometer

Wednesday, 14 July, 2021 | Supplied by: AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd

Michell’s S8000 -100 is a high-precision, low-dewpoint hygrometer designed to meet the demands of humidity calibration and standards laboratories. The company’s engineers have used the latest developments in chilled mirror technology to achieve repeatable measurements of low dewpoints down to -100°C, with an accuracy of ±0.1°C, without the need for additional cooling.

At the heart of the instrument is an optics system that detects minute changes in moisture condensed on the mirror surface. This enables high sensitivity and fast response to changes in frost point, even at low levels of humidity, where measurements are the most challenging. The chilled mirror hygrometer achieves ±0.25°C stability @-100°C fp in <6 h and achieves a reproducibility of ±0.15°C fp reproducibility at ‑100°C fp.

Offering frost-point measurements down to -100°C, the compact device weighs 22 kg and fits into the 19″ rack format or can be used comfortably on a bench. There is no need for operators to monitor the instrument continuously as it offers complete automation and remote monitoring via software. The wide range of communication protocols includes Modbus RTU over USB, RS232, RS485 and Modbus TCP over Ethernet. Datalogging to SD card and user-configurable analog outputs is also available.

Typical applications are as a reference hygrometer in standards laboratories and humidity calibration facilities, and precision moisture measurements for research and development.

Online: www.ams-ic.com.au
Phone: 03 9017 8225
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