Stop manual protein purification stress

The protein purifier of today has a full agenda and many different tasks to perform. It can be difficult to find time for attending full runs in the lab.
Consider the scenario: you have started a run in the lab and want to get some work done in your office. You may want to plan for the next run, analyse previous runs, prepare a presentation or work on your next publication or report. But while you focus on other activities, you still need to monitor the progress of the run in the lab. You feel tied to your protein purification workflow.
With automated protein purification you can stop worrying about your sample and your time. Don’t spend the whole evening waiting for your precious protein to elute! Let us look at some examples of manual purification hassles and how switching to an automated system can relieve your stress.
Top three manual protein purification hassles that automation can overcome:
Hassle #1. Manual protein purification is time-consuming.
Manual purification means staying in the lab until the process is done, as you need to continually monitor the purification progress. Several hands-on tasks eat up your time during this process. Some examples are handling large volumes, manually collecting fractions, and checking fractions on a separate UV spectrophotometer.
Hassle #2. Manual protein purification severely limits throughput.
Going from equilibrating a column to analysing eluted fractions can take hours, even if the process proceeds smoothly. Add in the inevitable column clogging, unplanned interruptions and conflicts with the rest of the day’s scheduled activities, and the process can take all day. This wait can interfere with the ability to use the purified protein for its intended purpose and can limit throughput to one or two preparations per day.
Hassle #3. Reaching sufficient purity and yield can be an issue.
When you are manually collecting fractions it is a struggle to ensure you have enough purified protein for your next step. If you pool too many fractions, the target protein will be diluted and more contaminants can be present. If you pool too few, the amount of your target in the sample might be too low for moving ahead.
If this sounds familiar, then maybe switching to an automated purification system from our ÄKTA product range can help and remove all of the above hassles. Learn how to reduce the stress of protein purification by visiting our protein purification automation page. Or contact us at
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