ANBUG-AINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium 2024

04 November, 2024 - 06 November, 2024

The ANBUG-AINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium (AANSS) 2024 will be held in person from 4 to 6 November 2024 at Lucas Heights, NSW, home to ANSTO’s multipurpose OPAL research reactor and the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering. The symposium will be hosted at AINSE and ANSTO conference facilities.

AANSS is the biennial symposium of the Australian and New Zealand neutron scattering community and aims to bring together the users (both local and international) of Australia’s neutron research infrastructure with other global experts and users of neutron instrumentation.

The Organising Committee chaired by Kirrily Rule is developing an exciting line-up of invited speakers from both the local and global neutron communities. These will be announced over the coming weeks on the AANSS 2024 website.

The symposium will take place over three days to encompass science talks and poster presentations across eight topics/themes which include ‘Deuteration for neutrons’. This will also enable many opportunities to network and engage with fellow delegates to both renew and establish connections and collaborations.

This symposium is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, postdoctoral and early-career researchers and scientists at all career stages.

Event Details

Date 04 November, 2024 - 06 November, 2024
Online Click here to visit the event website
Venue Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering
Organiser ANSTO
Phone 0477 334 304

Event Location

Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering
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