Industry News
Sweet news for diabetics
UTS scientists have made significant progress towards their goal of an effective gene-therapy treatment for diabetes that would make insulin injections obsolete.
[ + ]NHMRC invests $366 million
Nationally, the NHMRC is funding 408 project grants ($143 million), 16 new program grants ($115 million), and 46 fellowship grants ($25.5 million), totalling $283.5 million.
[ + ]Simplified method for detecting antibodies
A Ben-Gurion University research team, headed by Dr. Raz Jelinek, has recently designed one of the simplest, most rapid approaches to detect specific antibodies.
[ + ]Lab training boosts foot and mouth preparedness
Australia's diagnostic capability to deal with any potential large-scale outbreak of foot and mouth disease is being increased, thanks to two training workshops.
[ + ]New bacteria target cancers in mice
Scientists from Johns Hopkins University, US, have created bacteria that selectively target large advanced tumours in mice.
[ + ]GRDC's plans for research investments
A major increase in research investments for Australia's burgeoning pasta wheat (durum) industry is being planned by the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
[ + ]Peptides identified as natural antibiotic
Researchers have shown for the first time in living mammals that specific peptides with known anti-microbial properties, also act as natural antibiotics.
[ + ]Reversing the biotech brain drain
CSIRO Livestock Industries has commenced a huge biotechnology recruitment drive that aims to reverse some of Australia's scientific brain drain.
[ + ]FASTS welcomes new science ministerial team
Scientists and technologists welcome the appointment of Brendan Nelson and Peter McGauran as ministers responsible for science.
[ + ]R&D centre for minerals and energy opens in Perth
The south-east Asian Region's new centre for petroleum, minerals and mining research has been officially opened in Perth by Dr Geoff Gallop, premier of Western Australia.
[ + ]National competitive grants program
The guidelines, application forms and instructions to applicants for funding under the National Competitive Grants Program 2003 are now available.
[ + ]Nanoscale computing machine using biological molecules
A group of scientists headed by Professor Ehud Shapiro at the Weizmann Institute of Science has used biological molecules to create a tiny computer - a programmable two-state, two-symbol finite automaton - in a test tube.
[ + ]ANU receives 8 grants for ACT
The Australian National University received all eight of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s recently announced ACT Project Grants, worth $3,195,000.
[ + ]Tiny details may affect nanomachine operation
There is a lot of talk on how nanotechnology will soon be allowing us to build a wonderful array of nanomachines, from micron-sized motors to nanoscale train sets made from Teflon and cow’s brains.
[ + ]Tokyo manifesto
Below is the proposal to the participants of the International Conference of Science & Technology Journalists (ICSTJ) in Tokyo, Japan, on the 26 October, 2001.
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