The Bruker ionbooster is a high-temperature, electrospray ion source which boosts the sensitivity of the company’s mass spectrometers for environmental analysis, food testing and forensics. Sensitivity gains for many compounds of 5 to 100x greatly extend the quantitative capabilities of modern, accurate-mass, mass spectrometers.
Inside the product, an electrospray is maintained at elevated vaporising temperature to enable enhanced desolvation of analyte ions, even at high flow rates in UHPLC separations. Delivering more efficient ionisation, the product enhances sensitivity and lowers detection limits.
Phone: 03 9474 7000
Bio-Rad Laboratories Nuvia wPrime 2A Media chromatography resin
The product features a polyacrylamide (acrylamide polymer) base bead that can be used for...
SciAps reveNIR handheld Vis-NIR analyser
SciAps has launched its handheld Vis-NIR (visible and near-infrared) analyser, reveNIR, for...
Bio-Rad Laboratories Foresight Pro Columns
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