MBL International QuickSwitch Custom MHC Tetramer Kits

Monday, 01 April, 2024 | Supplied by: Millennium Science Pty Ltd

MBL International QuickSwitch Custom MHC Tetramer Kits

Quantifying a T-cell response is crucial for gaining insights and understanding the effectiveness of novel vaccines and therapies, as well as assessing disease advancement and elimination. MBL International offers innovative kits with QuickSwitch proprietary technology for creating high-quality and customised MHC Class I and Class II tetramers in just one day.

Functional screening of peptides for MHC class I binding is essential for vaccine design and immune monitoring. The QuickSwitch kit allows discrimination of MHC binding from non-binding peptides. Tetramers generated through peptide exchange with chosen peptides can subsequently be used for the screening of immunogenic peptides from infectious agents or cancer neoantigens.

The QuickSwitch Quant Tetramer Kit for Class II MHCs can quantify the exchange of the user’s peptides of interest, thereby gathering binding affinity information for the MHC/peptide complex. The proprietary technology is used to produce personalised MHC tetramers or screen multiple peptides for epitope discovery, vaccine research and validation of T cell staining with the newly specific peptide tetramer. The kits are optimised for up to 10 peptide exchanges and multiple tests per resulting tetramer.

MBL International offers MHC tetramers for various Class I human, mouse, rhesus macaque, Mauritian cyno, chicken and human-mouse chimera alleles, along with options for various Class II human and mouse alleles, as well as CD1d and MR1 tetramers. These tetramers are available with phycoerythrin (PE), allophycocyanin (APC) or Brilliant Violet 421 (BV421) fluorophores for detection of antigen-specific T cells via flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.

Online: www.mscience.com.au
Phone: 1800 678 242
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