Life Scientist > Molecular Biology

ACT feature: ACT biotech's big players

29 May, 2002 by Melissa Trudinger

As one of the big players in the ACT's biotech scene, the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) has already spun out at least two companies. Biotron, listed on the ASX, is one, working on two cancer diagnostic tests and a number of therapeutic agents including an antiviral for treatment of HIV.

South Australian Interview: Dancing with the elephants

21 May, 2002 by Daniella Goldberg

Dr Deborah Rathjen, CEO of listed Adelaide company Bionomics, says there are plenty of positive signs that South Australia has a burgeoning biotechnology industry.

Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence funding announced

20 May, 2002 by Tanya Hollis

Up to $20 million is to be spent setting up Tasmania's Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence, it was announced today.

Tasmanian feature: Wired island

17 May, 2002 by Pete Young

Tasmania's Intelligent Island program has a central focus on bioinformatics, with a proposal to build an R&D centre of excellence that will attract world class researchers to Tasmania, generate IP and spin off commercial companies.

Tasmanian feature: All in the family

17 May, 2002 by Melissa Trudinger

Prof Terry Dwyer is the Director of the Menzies Research Institute, which he established in 1988. The institute is an epidemiology focused research organisation looking at the causes of human diseases.

Victorian feature: Biotech's a real synch

16 May, 2002 by Tanya Hollis and Melissa Trudinger

One word is consistently on people's lips when discussing Victoria's biotechnology scene: hub.

Takara Bio to mass produce microarray DNA fragments

15 May, 2002 by Kuriko Miyake

Takara Bio, a biotechnology company in Otsu, Japan, has developed a system which allows for mass production of a wide variety of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) fragments needed to make DNA microarrays, the company announced Tuesday May 14.

The university of bioinformatics

13 May, 2002 by Pete Young

It used to be that biology students would run a mile from anything that smacked of computing. Now, with bio-IT touted as an indispensable element of the life sciences, what's changed?

Vets urge caution on pet cloning

10 May, 2002 by Melissa Trudinger

A session on the ethics of pet cloning and genetic modification at this week's Australian Veterinary Association conference in Adelaide heard that people needed to feel comfortable with cloning before they would buy it.

Proteomics Feature: How a word helped a science to take off

08 May, 2002 by Iain Scott

You can't pick up a general article about proteomics without reading somewhere in the story: "The word 'proteomics' was coined by Marc Wilkins, then a PhD student in Keith Williams' lab at Macquarie University in 1994..."

With deal closed, countdown to new HP begins

07 May, 2002 by Staff Writers

With the legal closing on Friday May 3 of its Compaq acquisition, and a turbulent nine months behind it, Hewlett-Packard is at last poised to commence merged operations.

NSW Feature: Opening NSW's BioUmbrella

07 May, 2002 by Daniella Goldberg

The NSW government launched its BioFirst program in September last year. Like most other governments' biotech programs, the NSW initiative involves several government departments.

NSW Feature: United they stand

07 May, 2002 by Daniella Goldberg

Biotech in NSW doesn't appear to depend on fancy government packages, but new infrastructures are changing the face of bio in the First State.

Government must help biotech: Clarke

07 May, 2002 by Tanya Hollis

The suspension of the Federal government's R&D Start program, purportedly for being too successful, flew in the face of Australia's need to compete in the global biotechnology arena, Prof Adrienne Clarke has warned.

Study to look at ecosystems' genetic viability

06 May, 2002 by Melissa Trudinger

A study is underway in NSW and WA to examine endangered ecosystems using genetic techniques.

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