Research & development

Approach to drug testing could force innocent athletes out

20 February, 2006

The current approach of the international agency responsible for fighting the use of drugs in sport will drive innocent athletes out of the Olympic Games, according to an article in the International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching.

Electronic nose could spell the end of landfill pongs

17 February, 2006

Scientists at the University of Manchester have invented a device which remotely monitors bad odours and methane gases at waste landfill and water treatment sites.

200 proteins which indicate diseases of liver

17 February, 2006

The biochemist Enrique Santamaria Martinez, a researcher in the area of genetic therapy and hepatology at the CIMA of the University of Navarra, has identified more than 200 proteins which can be considered as indicators of the progression of steatohepatitis and liver hepatitis. In addition, these proteins provide a basis for new lines of research which can develop clinical application strategies for improving the diagnosis and treatment of this cancer.

Dialysis patients may be overmedicated due to unreliable blood test

15 February, 2006

Changes in a widely used assay for parathyroid hormone (PTH) have made its use with the established guidelines for end stage renal disease clinical management both inappropriate and potentially harmful to patients. This research was published in the journal Seminars in Dialysis.

Tuberculosis infection prevention by quick testing

15 February, 2006

With a new DNA test, tuberculosis infection can be revealed so quickly that a patient doesn't have time to infect others.

Blood test for prostate cancer

14 February, 2006

Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have identified a panel of 22 biomarkers that together provide a more accurate screening for prostrate cancer than the current prostrate specific antigen, or PSA, test.

Coeliac disease research tool

08 February, 2006 | Supplied by: PerkinElmer (Australia) Pty Ltd

Delfia probes, specific for HLA alleles, provide a research tool for investigating genes involved in predisposition to coeliac disease.

Scientific advances boost anti-doping campaign

08 February, 2006 by Peter Brownlee

The unprecedented anti-doping campaign for the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne is aimed at making these Games the cleanest ever with thousands of tests being carried out on athletes in Australia and overseas

How viruses enter cells

07 February, 2006

A team of Northwestern University researchers has solved the structure of a molecule that controls the ability of viruses of the paramyxovirus family, including the viruses that cause measles, mumps, and many human respiratory diseases, to fuse with and infect human cells.

Tracking performance in real time

07 February, 2006

Traqua, developed by the CRC for microTechnology for the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), is the leading edge of the next sports revolution - providing hard data in real time on an athlete's motion to reinforce the coach's eye and instincts.

Neutron scattering and cell signalling

06 February, 2006

Neutron scattering research techniques that can show how nature uses complex protein structures to get cells to respond and adapt to stimuli in the body, could be the new tool to help researchers find new drugs to treat diseases such as heart failure or cancer. Dr Jill Trewhella, a joint ANSTO and Sydney University Research Fellow, is an expert in using neutron scattering to study cell signalling systems which regulate the body.

Monitoring of living cells

06 February, 2006

Cell cultures often form the testing ground for new active agents. Results can only be reliable if cell growth is standardised. This process will soon happen automatically with a microscope to monitor growth and image processing to control cultivation via integrated robotics.

Protein improves body's fight

01 February, 2006

Monash University scientists have discovered how a single protein could dramatically improve the body's ability to fight viruses such as the flu.

HLS5 Gene implicated in Huntington's

30 January, 2006

The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) has discovered a link between the HLS5 gene and key aspects of Huntington’s disease and AIDS development, according to an announcement made by BioPharmica.

Natural chemistry finds it way to market

20 January, 2006

Faster reaction rates, a substantially higher yield and a cleaner production process than is currently possible in the chemical industry, is claimed to be the result of a new sustainable chemical process that researchers from the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen have developed with support from NWO ACTS (Advanced Chemical Technologies for Sustainability).

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