Research & development

Micro-algae could provide clean energy

12 October, 2007

An Australian scientist is leading an international consortium to develop solar-powered bio-reactors and micro-algae as possible sources of energy, which could see some of our future fuel and possibly water needs being generated while absorbing CO2.

Volunteers sought for study

11 October, 2007

Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall is seeking volunteers to take part in a potentially ground-breaking study.

Defanging viruses

05 October, 2007

Researchers may be able to tinker with a single amino acid of an enzyme that helps viruses multiply to render them harmless, according to molecular biologists who say the discovery could pave the way for a fast and cheap method of making vaccines

Biosensor detects avian influenza virus in minutes

05 October, 2007

Quick identification of avian influenza infection in poultry is critical to controlling outbreaks, but current detection methods can require several days to produce results

The something in the nothingness

04 October, 2007

Recent studies have shown that a vacuum, previously thought of as a state of total nothingness, is really filled with energy-hungry ‘virtual particles’ that could interfere with high energy collision experiments.

Salvation for the Tassie devil

03 October, 2007

Researchers have discovered why the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) has been so devastating, allowing it to wipe out 90% of some native Tasmanian devil populations.

A faster prenatal test for Down syndrome

20 September, 2007

Scientists in California have advanced toward rapid testing for pre-natal detection of Down syndrome and other birth defects involving an abnormal number of chromosomes.

A patient database to boost Parkinson's research

17 September, 2007

The Howard Florey Institute and Parkinson's Victoria have teamed up to establish the Parkinson’s Victoria Research Register (PVRR) — a living patient database for Parkinson's disease (PD), the nation’s second most common, chronic neurological condition.

Diesel exhaust implicated in asthma and cancer

13 September, 2007

Researchers at Deakin University have found that diesel exhaust is far more damaging to our health than exhaust from biodiesel, the plant-based fuel.

New approach to fighting obesity and diabetes

11 September, 2007

Scientists at the University of Queensland (UQ) are using specially designed equipment to determine how to produce food which is better for us, but still tastes good.

Blood banking test automation

10 September, 2007 | Supplied by: Australian Laboratory Services

BioTek Instruments has developed, in partnership with Immucor, an automated benchtop assay instrument for use in the blood transfusion industry. Manufactured by BioTek exclusively for Immucor, the Galileo Echo provides small to medium sized hospital blood bank laboratories with walk-away automation of tests such as ABO grouping and Rh (D) typing, detection/identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing and red blood cell phenotyping for significant increases in productivity and patient safety while taking less time than other methods.

Genetic variant identification

10 September, 2007 | Supplied by: Applied Biosystems Pty Ltd

Variant Reporter software is designed to accelerate the analysis of genetic variation data. The Variant Reporter Software reduces manual review time of these data by automating the detection of genetic variants and streamlining the data analysis process. Applied Biosystems expects that the software can reduce by up to half the time currently required to evaluate genetic variation data generated during medical sequencing projects.

Australian cancer drugs get a shot in the arm

05 September, 2007

Cancer Therapeutics (CTx) has commenced operations as one of the largest public/private partnerships of its type in the world.

Plant bank conserves its billionth species

31 August, 2007

The Millennium Seed Bank Project has collected its billionth variety from across the world for safekeeping and conservation. Simply gathered on the land, in woods and wetlands, the bank's deposits could hold the key to the globe's well-being and every creature that depends on it.

Rabbit milk drug to combat HAE

27 August, 2007

The clinical trial results of Rhucin, a drug for the treatment of Hereditary Angieoedema (HAE), will be presented at a press conference in London on 30 August.

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