The i-Raman portable Raman spectrometer is a high-resolution, TE-cooled, fibre-optic Raman system. Combining high resolution with field portability, the product’s performance is comparable to large benchtop Raman systems. It weighs less than 3.2 kg.
The spectrometer is equipped with B&W Tek’s CleanLaze technology for good laser stabilisation and narrow line width. Other features include a spectral resolution as fine as 3.5 cm-1, wide Raman shift coverage up to 4000 cm-1 and a TE-cooled, 2048-pixel CCD array. With a convenient fibre-optic interface, it can collect data to within 65 cm-1 of the Rayleigh line. The system’s small footprint, lightweight design and low power consumption provide research-grade Raman capabilities anywhere.
The system offers 532 and 785 nm excitation wavelength options. It also features a TE-cooled CCD detector, allowing the maximum effective integration time of several minutes. This makes the product suitable for demanding applications involving low concentrations and weak Raman scatters.
Applications include: bioscience and medical diagnosis; polymers and chemical processes; food and agriculture; geology and mineralogy; pharmaceuticals; environmental science; Raman microscopy; forensic analysis; gemology; art and archaeology; teaching; quality control; and general research.
Phone: 03 9480 4999
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