MédiMabs MAP/RAP Amplification Kit

Tuesday, 22 December, 2015 | Supplied by: United Bioresearch Products Pty Ltd

MédiMabs MAP/RAP Amplification Kit

MédiMabs’ amplification kits are based on the PAP (peroxidase antiperoxidase) technique, but the company does not conjugate the antibodies to HRP (horseradish peroxidase). The company offers a rabbit antibody that acts as an immunohistochemical alternative to existing staining systems, suitable for use with mouse (MAP) or rat (RAP) primary antibodies.

The company’s labelling system is claimed to have higher tissue penetrability due to the use of a monoclonal antibody. As a monoclonal antibody recognises only one epitope on the HRP molecule, the PAP complex consists of two molecules of peroxidase per antibody instead of the conventional complex of three molecules of HRP per two antibody molecules (polyclonal PAP). The smaller complex (monoclonal PAP) can penetrate better in tissue sections.

The product allows a clean amplification of the signal and enables detection of low amounts of antigens. Other advantages include increased detection efficiency; cleaner staining (lower background); saving of the primary antibody; no endogenous biotin blocking needed; and longer shelf life due to lyophilisation of the reagents. The result is a clean and enhanced signal for the detection of antigenic sites revealed by any mouse or rat antibody.

Online: www.unitedbioresearch.com.au
Phone: 02 4575 0309
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