Industry News
Big Pox, Smallpox, No Pox
The Museum of Human Disease at UNSW presents 'The Big Pox, Smallpox and No Pox'. This exhibition looks at three diseases with a long history: syphilis, smallpox and tuberculosis, showing how the prevalence of diseases can change.
[ + ]Chillies: A Red Hot Export?
Researchers at Adelaide University's Waite Campus have been developing horticultural techniques to grow chillies in South Australia. As well as its economic importance, the research has health implications, as 80% of samples of chilli-based spices imported to Australia have been found to be contaminated with the potent cancer-causing agent, aflatoxin.
[ + ]Ancient Olympia To Rise Again
Ancient Olympia, 300 BC, will live again in 3-D stereo virtual reality at Sydney's Powerhouse Museum during the 2000 Olympic Games, thanks to University of Melbourne geomatics engineers.
[ + ]International Recognition For An Australian Researcher
Professor Frank Fenner, FAA, of the Australian National University has been awarded The Albert Einstein World Award of Science. This annual award is made to scientific researchers who have outstandingly contributed to public benefit. Only one award is made, and scientists from all fields of research and all countries are eligible.
[ + ]Science in the Pub
Science in the Pub and the Australian Biotechnology Association present `New Millennium Medicine: Alternative or Genetic?' This presentation will be compered by ABC Quantum's reporter Dr Paul Willis who will lead the discussion from 7.00 to 9.00pm on Wednesday, 30 August 2000 at the Harlequin Inn, 152 Harris Street, Pyrmont.
[ + ]Commemoration of Sir Mark Oliphant
A public commemoration of the life of Sir Mark Oliphant will be held at 10.30am on Friday 25 August in the Great Hall, University House, Australian National University, 18 Balmain Crescent, Acton, ACT. The commemoration is hosted by the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian National University and University House and all are welcome. Morning tea will be served at approximately 11.30am, following the commemoration.
[ + ]Smart Way To Diagnose Vegetative State
A Smart kit that diagnoses whether brain damaged patients are capable of communicating or are in a permanent vegetative state (VS) has been developed at London's Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability.
[ + ]Pre-Olympic International Congress
The Pre-Olympic International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education will be co-hosted by Sports Medicine Australia (SMA), the International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) and the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER). It will be held from September 7-12-Sep-2000 at the Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, Queensland.
[ + ]Climate Change Focus of Antarctic Research Grants
Air, ice and rock studies seeking information about long-term changes to the earth's climate will dominate grants for Australian research in the Antarctic in 2000-2001.
[ + ]Fast Instruments to Discover New Drugs
CSIRO and Axon Instruments Inc. have announced that they will collaborate in the development CellPix, a system for rapidly screening pharmaceutical drugs.
[ + ]A Science Experience Program
Making aspirin, extracting DNA, wildlife spotlighting and sapphire mining are just some of the activities set down for the Siemens Science Experience program to be held at the University of New England from 16-18 January 2001.
[ + ]Heart Pump May Replace Transplants
A miniature artificial heart developed by surgeons from Oxford, southern England, and Texas, United States, has been successfully implanted as a temporary measure in a US patient.
[ + ]Australia Wins HIV Vaccine Contract
A consortium of Australian research institutions, led by the University of New South Wales has been awarded a contract from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) to develop and clinically test a potential preventative HIV vaccine.
[ + ]History of Animal Health
A record of the role of animal health researchers in building Australia's livestock industry has been launched. Titled 'Of Vets, Viruses and Vaccines', the book traces the history and development of the Animal Health Research Laboratory (AHRL), Parkville.
[ + ]Unearthing the Secrets of Human Remains
Police stand to benefit from research at Adelaide University that aims to find the best methods for detecting human skeletal remains. The results will assist in murder cases that remain open because no body has been found. The research is significant because it focuses purely on locating bodies in Australian conditions.
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