Life Scientist > Molecular Biology

AdipoGen Life Sciences latrunculins

02 November, 2023

Latrunculins are cell-permeable marine toxins that have been shown to strongly affect actin polymerisation.

OGT GeneSpect Somatic Reporter

01 November, 2023

Users of SureSeq myeloid panels can now benefit from insightful tertiary reporting for all myeloid malignancy content and variants.

Renting linked to faster biological aging, study finds

31 October, 2023

Renting your home has a stronger link to faster 'biological aging' — the cumulative damage to the body's tissues and cells — compared to unemployment or being a former smoker.

Gene editing could help protect chickens from bird flu

19 October, 2023

When ANP32A gene-edited chickens were exposed to a normal dose of the H9N2-UDL strain of avian influenza virus, nine out of 10 birds remained uninfected.

A NICER approach to genome editing developed

11 October, 2023

Researchers have developed a new gene editing technique that is just as effective as CRISPR/Cas9 while significantly reducing any unintended mutations.

Switching off the protein that triggers muscular dystrophy

09 October, 2023

SMCHD1, a gene discovered by researchers in 2008, is critical for switching off the production of the protein that causes facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy.

High testosterone levels increase endometrial cancer risk

29 September, 2023

The hormone testosterone may play an important role in the development of endometrial cancer, raising new possibilities for screening, preventing and fighting the disease.

Milestone as RNA recovered from Tasmanian tiger specimen

21 September, 2023

Researchers have isolated and sequenced RNA molecules from a preserved thylacine specimen, resulting in the reconstruction of skin and skeletal muscle transcriptomes from an extinct species.

Target found for gastric cancer associated with EBV

19 September, 2023

Scientists say they have identified a self-destruct button within EBV-associated gastric cancer, and also figured out how to press that self-destruct button.

Largest ever genetic study of epilepsy provides new insights

18 September, 2023

The study has discovered specific changes in our DNA that increase the risk of developing epilepsy, advancing our knowledge of why epilepsy develops.

COVID causes mitochondrial dysfunction in multiple organs

11 September, 2023

The genes of the mitochondria, the energy producers of our cells, can be negatively impacted by SARS-CoV-2, leading to dysfunction in multiple organs beyond the lungs.

Why do tans appear only after we've left the beach?

01 September, 2023

The mechanism that repairs our skin cells' DNA takes precedence over all other systems in the cell, temporarily inhibiting the pigmentation mechanism.

Genetic risk factors found for long COVID

16 August, 2023

Computational biology company PrecisionLife has identified 73 genes that are highly associated with severe and fatigue-dominant forms of long COVID.

In vivo gene editing model developed for blood disorders

07 August, 2023

Researchers developed a proof-of-concept model for delivering gene editing tools to treat blood disorders, allowing for the modification of diseased blood cells directly within the body.

National genomics initiative offers hope to cancer patients

03 August, 2023

The PrOSPeCT program will give 23,000 cancer patients free access to genomic profiling and matching to the best advanced precision treatments available locally, including early-stage clinical trials.

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