Air analyser
15 May, 2004 | Supplied by:
The TEI 5805 II air analyser is a portable organic vapour meter with photo ionisation detection for broad spectrum gas detection and measurement. It can measure a wide variety of chemicals: process equipment leak detection; leaking underground storage tanks; head space measurement; and detection of contaminated soil and water.
Convert HPLC to IC
15 May, 2004 | Supplied by:
Alltech's suppressors and 650 Conductivity detector easily convert any HPLC into an IC system. Both suppressor models, the 640 and 641, are continuously regenerated with no need for extra reagents.
Elemental speciation analysis
08 April, 2004 | Supplied by: ALS Environmental
The toxicity of trace elements in the environment is in many cases dependent on the chemical form in which they occur. Total element concentrations no longer provide sufficient information to allow risk-based toxicity assessments
LH 500 haematology analyser
22 January, 2004 | Supplied by: Beckman Coulter Australia
The Coulter LH 500 haematology analyser is designed for mid- to high-volume clinical laboratories. It provides complete blood counts (CBC) with five-part differential analysis, including white blood cell, red blood cell, platelet and reticulocyte counts.
Researchers design and build first artificial protein
24 November, 2003
Using sophisticated computer algorithms running on standard desktop computers, researchers have designed and constructed a novel functional protein that is not found in nature. The achievement should enable researchers to explore larger questions about how proteins evolved and why nature 'chose' certain protein folds over others.
Separating basic and polar compounds
08 November, 2003
Due to the presence of residual acidic silanol groups in most commercial packings, secondary chromatographic effects are common and are usually troublesome. As a result, efficiency and peak shape for some analytes are usually unacceptable at neutral pH
Cytochrome structure unravels photosynthesis
08 October, 2003
A complete molecular-scale picture of how plants convert sunlight to chemical energy has been obtained at Purdue University in the US, offering potential new insights into animal metabolism as well.
Quantitative evaluation of curved tablets using x-ray diffraction
08 July, 2003
Manufacturing processes of pharmaceutical tablets may change the morphology of the crystalline state of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) or the excipients
Determining structure using NMR
08 March, 2003
A University at Buffalo chemist has developed a new, high-throughput method for obtaining nuclear magnetic resonance data that can potentially performing orders of magnitude faster than conventional methods
Quantitative analysis of small metal fragments by LA-ICP-MS
08 February, 2003
Small, irregularly shaped samples can present difficulties for the established methods of metal analysis. Laser-ablation ICP-MS offers accuracy and precision independent of sample form
Evaporative light scattering detector
18 January, 2003 | Supplied by: Grace Discovery Sciences
Alltech ELSD 800 is an evaporative light scattering detector that can add universal HPLC detection to any LC system to replace or complement existing detectors. The ELSD's universal response gives a closer representation of sample mass than UV detectors, making quantification more accurate when standards are not available. It can be used in parallel with MS to obtain maximum structural and concentration information for each sample. Unlike RI detectors, the ELSD offers high sensitivity, equilibrates quickly and is gradient compatible.
Scentograph Plus II portable gas chromatograph
17 January, 2003 | Supplied by: Gas Analysis Systems Australia Pty Ltd
The Scentograph Plus II portable gas chromatograph features dual detectors, dual sequential column, internal carrier gas and calibration tanks and capillary injection port. Accessories including the dual sampling purge and trap or stack gas sampler allow the instrument to produce laboratory quality results at on-site locations.
OxyBaby oxygen analyser
16 June, 2002 | Supplied by: Niche Gas Products
The OxyBaby handheld MAP oxygen analyser can be used to check residual oxygen levels at regular intervals. OxyBaby is handy, doesn't require power leads and is simple to use. It is portable and suitable for making quality checks of packed foods such as meats, sausages, fish, dairy products, bakery products, pasta, pizza and salads. Oxygen levels can be determined at any time by simply picking a pack off the line and inserting the needle. OxyBaby is designed so that it can be held in one hand with the packaged food product in the other.
Molecular opto-electronic switch
08 January, 2002
Using photosynthesis as their model, chemists at Washington University in St Louis, North Carolina State University, and the University of California, Riverside have tested molecular electronic switches that turn the flow of light energy on and off
Raman microspectroscopy and imaging of pharmaceuticals
08 December, 2001 | Supplied by: Warsash Scientific Pty Ltd
The application of Raman spectroscopy in the field of pharmaceuticals is showing immense potential. Previous progress has been hindered due to the high cost and poor user-friendliness of the old Raman technology