Pathology Update 2007
13 November, 2006
When: 2-4 March 2007
Where: Sydney Convention Exhibition Centre
New chemical classification system for Australia
03 November, 2006
Information on a new global system for the classification and labelling of chemicals was released by the Australian Compensation and Safety Council (ASCC) this week.
Wine industry seeks $225 million R&D investment
02 November, 2006
Australia’s wine industry is seeking to boost investment in research and development to $225 million per annum to maintain the edge that new technologies and innovation has given the industry over its global competitors.
Giving laboratory managers a voice
01 November, 2006
At the opening of the 2006 Laboratory Managers Conference at the Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne, the SIA’s executive director, Duncan Jones MAICD, announced the formation of the Australasian Laboratory Manager’s Association (ALMA).
ARC major funding outcomes to commence in 2007
27 October, 2006
ARC has announced the outcomes of the Australian Research Council’s National Competitive Grants Program for 2007.
$70m research institute opens at UQ
27 October, 2006
The latest addition to a cluster of research institutes at The University of Queensland, the $70m Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), has opened at the university's St Lucia campus.
Science opportunity for year 9 students
19 October, 2006
The Siemens Science Experience is a three-day hands-on science, engineering and technology program that will be conducted in Australian universities in 2006/2007 for students who will be entering year 10 in 2007.
Call for submissions
11 October, 2006
The Small Scale Technology Cluster (STC) has available small cash grants and discounted access to MiniFAB’s facilities through its Small Scale Technology Access Program. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the STC Scientific Review Panel.
Patent mapping and technology licensing
09 October, 2006 by David Lambourne, Freehills Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys
Australia is a net importer of intellectual property rights. A question that all people who invest in intellectual property should ask is "Are you paying too much?" The answer to this question in many cases is "Yes!"
Qld company raises millions for drug research
29 September, 2006
A Queensland biotechnology company has raised AU$11.9 m to fund the development of new types of therapeutic drugs.
Research excellence showcased
22 September, 2006
Eight up-and-coming University of Queensland researchers have received awards at the 2006 UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards held at Brisbane Customs House.
Protecting intellectual property through the innovation patent system
11 September, 2006
Scientists and researchers often have great ideas. Some ideas are profound, long-term revelations which lead to new scientific theories, methodologies or technologies, while others are more ephemeral
MoU focuses on education
04 September, 2006
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and Engineers Australia plan to work more closely together to advance the development of better public policy in relation to engineering and technology issues.
Biotech leader wins CSIRO Eureka Prize
28 August, 2006
Professor John Mattick has won the 2006 CSIRO Eureka Prize for Leadership in Science.
500 Australian Standards to be cut
28 August, 2006
To maintain relevant Australian Standards, Standards Australia has embarked on a project to reassess about 2000 standards sectors that are more than 10 years old.