Life Scientist > Life Sciences

Preclinical trials point towards a future HIV vaccine

22 July, 2024

Scientists are potentially closer to an HIV immunisation regimen than ever before — one that could produce rare antibodies that would be effective against a wide range of HIV strains.

Hepatitis C leaves scars in immune cells, even after treatment

19 July, 2024

Researchers have discovered that traces of 'epigenetic scars' remain in regulatory T cells and exhibit sustained inflammatory properties long after the virus is cleared from the body.

Impaired gene linked to obesity, postnatal depression

18 July, 2024

Scientists have identified a gene which, when missing or impaired, can cause obesity, behavioural problems and, in mothers, postnatal depression.

Dietary fibre supplement could suppress food allergies

16 July, 2024

The new research found that inulin gel, specifically formulated with an allergen, normalised the imbalanced intestinal microbiota and metabolites in allergic mice.

Lab-grown muscles reveal mysteries of rare genetic disorder

10 July, 2024

Biomedical engineers have been growing complex, functional 3D muscle tissue from stem cells in order to better understand and test treatments for an extremely rare muscle disorder.

Gene-editing nanoparticles correct mutations in CF models

09 July, 2024

The nanoparticles successfully edited the disease-causing gene in the lungs of a mouse model of cystic fibrosis (CF), swapping a mutated form with a healthy one that persisted in stem cells.

'Time cells' in the brain enable complex learning in mice

04 July, 2024

US researchers have found that, in mice, a specific population of 'time cells' is essential for learning complex behaviours where timing is critical.

Childhood flu exposure impacts your immune response later

02 July, 2024

Researchers have discovered that people develop stronger immune responses to the variants of influenza B they were exposed to during their childhood.

'Artificial lymph node' has the potential to treat cancer

01 July, 2024

The newly developed lymph node is implanted under the skin and is designed to teach immune system T cells to recognise and kill cancer cells.

Organoid shows how COVID affects those with Down syndrome

17 June, 2024

Testing on the new organoid models revealed that certain components of the choroid plexus are underdeveloped in people born with Down syndrome.

Boosting protein in eye cells could prevent vision loss

12 June, 2024

Increasing the levels of a key protein in the cells at the back of the eye could help protect against age-related macular degeneration — the leading cause of vision loss among older adults.

Researchers identify the first step in allergic reactions

12 June, 2024

Scientists have identified how the first domino falls after a person encounters an allergen, signalling a new strategy for the prevention of life-threatening allergic reactions.

Researchers find the brain network responsible for stuttering

11 June, 2024

Stuttering appears to be caused by a common brain network, regardless of the aetiology (developmental or neurological).

Indoor gardening beneficially boosts our microbial exposure

03 June, 2024

Researchers have demonstrated that indoor gardening can increase the bacterial diversity of the skin and boost levels of anti-inflammatory molecules in the blood.

Birth by C-section increases odds of measles vaccine failure

31 May, 2024

A single dose of the measles vaccine is up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by caesarean section, compared to those born naturally.

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