Sinocompound Catalysts launches educational video series
20 July, 2021The first episode of the video series is now live and focuses on palladium catalysed cross-coupling reactions.
Controversial hydroxychloroquine study retracted
08 June, 2020 by Lauren DavisThe saga surrounding the treatment of COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine has a new development, after a study warning against its use in COVID-19 patients was retracted.
Vaisala Measurement Solutions for Life Science eBook
01 April, 2020For best practices to help ensure compliance, high productivity and product quality in monitoring of warehouses, refrigerators and freezers, cleanrooms and other life science environments, download Vaisala's free eBook.
Updated standard to reduce errors in medical laboratories
23 March, 2020ISO 22367 specifies a process for a medical laboratory to identify and manage the risk to patients and service providers that are associated with medical laboratory examinations.
International roadmap to insect recovery published
23 January, 2020Scientists have created a roadmap to insect conservation and recovery, based on achieving targets over different timescales.
First International Standard for biorisk management
15 January, 2020ISO 35001 defines the requirements and guidance for laboratories or any other organisation that works with biological agents to control and reduce any risks associated with their use.
International science engagement pays off for Australia
22 April, 2019The economic and scientific benefits to Australia's membership of major global science organisations have been outlined in a report by the Australian Academy of Science.
The importance of immunisation: video and article series
11 October, 2018The Australian Academy of Science has joined with the Department of Health to promote the benefits, safety and science of immunisation.
Feedback invited on Women in STEM 10-year plan
18 September, 2018The Australian Academy of Science is calling for the nation's views on the barriers and enablers that affect participation, retention and success of women and girls in STEM.
Prosperity through innovation: Australia's 2030 Plan released
31 January, 2018 by Lauren DavisFollowing an extensive consultation process, Innovation and Science Australia's strategic plan for Australian innovation has finally been made public.
Phenomenex Food Testing Applications Guide
09 February, 2017Phenomenex announces the publication of a food testing guide to help the industry meet increasing demands for quality and safety testing.
'Needs improvement': Australia's innovation report card is in
07 February, 2017Innovation and Science Australia (ISA) has concluded that Australia is quite good at coming up with clever ideas but not so good at transferring them into tangible outcomes.
Science stories need more independent commentary, says study
21 December, 2016 by Lauren DavisNew Zealand researchers have found that only one in six science-based news stories included quotes from independent commenters, and one-quarter of commenters lacked relevant expertise.
Safety guide for heating blocks released
05 December, 2016Asynt has announced an updated version of its best practice guide developed to enable laboratory personnel to more safely use heating block systems.
Pay is up but morale is down for Australia's scientists, says report
21 November, 2016The 2016 Professional Scientists Employment and Remuneration Report provides an overview of the pay and conditions of scientists across Australia — with somewhat concerning results.